Exhibiting at Equine Affaire®
A picture of a horse may be “worth a thousand words,” but seeing a horse in person is “priceless.” An important part of Equine Affaire’s mission is to provide organized breed associations as well as individual horse and farm owners with opportunities to showcase their horses—and provide the tens of thousands of avid horse enthusiasts attending Equine Affaire with opportunities to experience a wide variety of breeds of horses and understand and appreciate their strengths and differences. While breed associations and owners of horses and horse farms routinely market their breeds, farms, and horses through various online platforms and print media outlets, Equine Affaire offers a rare opportunity to meet with and present horses to potential customers in person and “in horse.” These opportunities range from exhibiting in the Breed Pavilion and/or Horse & Farm Exhibits to presenting horses in scheduled breed demonstrations throughout the four days of the event.
Equine Affaire’s Breed Pavilion provides a great avenue for breed associations and groups to promote their breeds to “new” horse people who are not already familiar or involved with their breeds. The Breed Pavilion is presented within the climate-controlled Voinovich Complex at the Ohio Expo Center and features a combination of traditional draped exhibit booths and exhibit stalls. The Breed Pavilion includes a presentation ring where exhibitors may also present their horses in hand to event attendees during each day of the show. Equine Affaire’s Breed Pavilion educates horse people about all breeds of horses and stimulates them to get involved with new breeds through the purchase of horses and participation in breed-related activities.
Equine Affaire is committed to offering to as many breed associations and groups as possible the opportunity to exhibit and display horses. Breed associations and horse owners affiliated with those associations are encouraged to work together to develop creative and effective exhibits and demos to promote their respective breeds. While it is preferable to have a breed represented by its official association, horse and farm owners affiliated with a breed may also represent their breed in the event that their association is not involved.
Each exhibit booth in the Breed Pavilion includes 8’ back and 3’ side drapes and one exhibitor name sign. Booths do not include furniture, carpet, or electrical service, but these amenities are available through the event’s service providers.
Exhibit stalls are specially-designed portable 10’ x 10’ stalls set within exhibit booths. Each exhibit stall may be used to display up to four different horses each day – Thursday through Saturday – and up to three different horses on Sunday—making it possible for organizations to present a large number of equine ambassadors owned by their members throughout the four days of the event. Stalls do not include bedding, but shavings, straw, and hay are available for purchase on site.
Rental of an exhibit booth/stall in the Breed Pavilion includes a wide variety of amenities:
· Four-day passes based on amount of space contracted for
· A one-line listing of the breed association’s or group’s name, breed of horse, and phone number or web site address in the event program distributed for free to attendees.
· A FREE ¼ black and white ad in the event program, if the contract for exhibit space and deposit are received by September 30, 2024
· A listing of the breed association’s or group’s name, logo, mutual link, breed of horse, and phone number or web site address on equineaffaire.com prior to and during the event
· A stall in the barn (in an area closed to the public) for overnight stabling during the event from noon on Wednesday to midnight on Sunday with the rental of an exhibit stall in the Pavilion
· The opportunity to feature a promotional video for the breed (provided by the association) on Equine Affaire’s Youtube channel
· The opportunity to work with Equine Affaire on co-promotion of the breed’s participation in Equine Affaire through online advertising, eFlyers, banner ads, and social media.
Breed demonstrations are 8 minute “mini productions” presented in the major clinic arenas in between clinic sessions. These demos are an important and popular part of Equine Affaire’s education-oriented program and wonderful opportunities for breed associations to showcase their breeds and horses to large audiences at Equine Affaire. Invitations to conduct a breed demonstration are extended by Equine Affaire’s Horse Exhibits Coordinator to each breed association that purchases exhibit space in the Breed Pavilion and also to breeds represented by horse owners exhibiting in the Horse & Farm Exhibits area based on availability of timeslots in the clinic schedule. Demo times are offered on a first-come, first-served basis and confirmed in the order in which completed contracts and deposits for exhibit space are received. Breed demonstrations focus on the history of the breed; the conformation, gaits, and unique qualities that define the breed; and the disciplines and activities at which members of the breed excel. While horses are ridden, driven, and presented in hand in the arena, Equine Affaire’s announcer reads a script prepared by the breed association and plays music the exhibitor provides as an mp3 file. Up to 10 horses may be featured in a breed demo and these may include horses featured in the association’s exhibit stall, horses in the Horse & Farm Exhibits, and horses brought to the event for the breed demo. To support breeds in producing their demos, Equine Affaire provides 24 hours of stabling and four single-day admission tickets for each horse brought to the event solely for a breed demo.
Breed segments are informal, in-hand breed presentations scheduled in the demo ring in the Equine Fundamentals Forum. These 10-minute presentations provide opportunities for new horse enthusiasts young and old to become acquainted with various breeds and experience them “up close.” Invitations to participate in breed segments are extended by Equine Affaire’s Breed Coordinator to each of the breed associations exhibiting in the Breed Pavilion or the Horse & Farm Exhibits area and timeslots are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. No script is required for these presentations; a microphone and sound system are available for use.
Equine Affaire’s printed event program is distributed free to all adult attendees, and Breed Pavilion and Horse & Farm exhibitors receive a 10% discount on advertising rates. For information on ad sizes, rates, and copy deadlines, consult the program advertising leaflet in the exhibitor kit or contact Allison Rehnborg at (740) 845-0085 ext. 103 or email.
To apply for exhibit space in the Breed Pavilion at Equine Affaire in Ohio, please fill out the Breed Pavilion Application Packet below. A 50% deposit is required at the time of application. Please contact Jessica Feasel with any questions.
- 2025 Ohio Breed Pavilion Contract Packet
- 2025 Ohio Breed Pavilion and Horse & Farm Leaflet
- 2025 Rules & Regulations
Horse & Farm Exhibits
Equine Affaire’s popular Horse & Farm Exhibits area is where horse owners, horse farm owners, and horse service providers connect with customers who are interested in all breeds of horses and a variety of equestrian disciplines. Find out how you can showcase your farm, stallion, and other services at the show.
"For Sale" Stalls
Yes, you can sell your horse online, at your barn, or through an auction, but finding the right buyer at Equine Affaire just might be quicker, easier, and more profitable. You can rent a “For Sale” stall for a nominal fee and market your horse to tens of thousands of avid horse people in just four days.
Have Questions?
For more information about the Breed Pavilion, please contact:
Jessica Feasel
Horse Exhibits Coordinator
email Jessica Feasel(740) 845-0085 ext. 112
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST