Connect with Owners of Equestrian Facilities, Stallions, and Horses for Sale at the Horse & Farm Exhibits
Equine Affaire’s Horse & Farm Exhibits are presented in a prime area of stalls within C-Barn adjacent to the coliseum. This exhibit area is designed to complement the Breed Pavilion by offering individual horse owners the ability to market their horses for sale, stallions, farms, and training/breeding services directly to the vast number of horse people who attend Equine Affaire. The venue also serves as a second location to showcase horses that are “rotated” through exhibit stalls in the Breed Pavilion. Stalls in the Horse & Farm Exhibits are 12’ x 9’. Regular in-line stalls are $165 each; end stalls on the outer aisles of the barn are $190, and end stalls on the main center aisle of the barn are $215 each. Each exhibitor is required to purchase (or share) a tack stall in addition to a horse stall, and tack stalls are $125 each. Rental of an exhibit stall in the Horse & Farm Exhibits area includes:
- One four-day adult ticket to Equine Affaire per stall (a $55 value)
- A one-line listing of stall number, farm name, breed of horse, and phone number or web site address in the event program distributed for free to attendees.
- A listing of the farm or horse owner name, breed of horse, and phone number or web site address on prior to and during the event
Though Equine Affaire is a four-day event, Horse & Farm exhibitors do not have to participate all four days. They simply must commit to exhibiting for at least three days and specify in advance whether they plan to exhibit on Thurs-Sat or Friday to Sunday. The purchase of a Horse & Farm Exhibits stall does not include bedding or electrical service (other than service for routine horse care). Shavings, straw, and hay are available for purchase on site.
If you’re exploring a new breed, in the market for a new horse, researching training facilities, or seeking the right stallion for your mare, be sure to check out the Horse & Farm Exhibits at Equine Affaire.
To book your space, please fill out the Horse & Farm Exhibits Application and three liability forms below and return them to Jessica Anderson – Feasel.
2024 Massachusetts Horse & Farm Contract and Liability Forms Packet
Massachusetts Breed Pavilion and Horse & Farm Leaflet
Massachusetts Equine Affaire C Barn Map