Mustang TIP Challenge Materials

Dear Mustang TIP Challenge Contestant,

Congratulations on being accepted to the event at Equine Affaire this April 2-5, 2020, at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio! We are excited to have you with us!

The compulsories of this event will take place Friday, April 3rd from 11:00am to 2:00pm in Cooper Arena.
The finals will take place on Saturday, April 4th from 9:00am to 10:00am and 3:00pm to 6:00pm in Cooper Arena.

Your arrival date is slated for Thursday, April 2nd. You will need an Equine Affaire admission ticket to get in to the event on Thursday. There will be a parking fee of $7 per entry or $20 for the event that you will purchase at the Ohio Expo Center.

Your application fee includes one four-day Equine Affaire admission ticket for the participant for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This admission ticket will be mailed to you prior to the event. Any additional ticket needs may be ordered prior to and during the event here. Adult single-day admission tickets are $15 (+5% Columbus ticket tax). Any tickets ordered will be emailed to you.

Stabling is included in your application fee beginning Thursday night with departure by midnight on Sunday, April 5th. One bag of shavings is also included. Additional shavings will be available for purchase on site. You will be sharing a tack stall with other participants.

Should you wish to arrive on Wednesday, April 1st, you will need to indicate this on the stabling form. You will not need Equine Affaire admission to check-in on Wednesday.

In order to reserve your stall, please fill out the following forms and return them to Rebecca Bowman by February 21, 2020, via email to

Please be sure to read the following items to help your participation at Equine Affaire go smoothly:

Should you need accommodations, information about camping and hotels is located here.

Good luck!